The collection of the Suvorov Museum was initially formed primarily from the gifts of admirers of the commander’s memory. There are three large collections at the heart of the museum’s exhibit funds.
In 1900, Vladimir Vladimirovich Molostvoff (1863 -?), Suvorov’s descendant and the owner of the Konchanskoe village, gave the original Suvorov Konchansky church with all its decorations and the rewards of the commander, Suvorov’s telescope and even the first tombstone installed on Suvorov’s grave on the funeral day on May 12, 1800. This is the museum’s most significant collection.
The second collection contains a large number of Suvorov documents, presented to the museum by Emperor Nicholas II in 1902-1904: from courier passports of sergeant Suvorov to draft letters about his arrival in St. Petersburg on April 23, 1800, including patents for titles and certificates of awarded titles. By the way, Surikov’s famous painting “Suvorov’s Crossing through the Alps,” that is now part of the collection of the Russian Museum, was also given to the Suvorov Museum as a present by the Emperor.