www.gmgs.ru – State Museum of Urban Sculpture
www.cmaf.ru – Central Museum of the Armed Forces
www.lgpp.petrobrigada.ru – Group of military-historical reconstruction of the “Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment”
www.lappeenranta.fi/museot – The South Karelian Museum. Lappeenranta, Finland
www.visitcastles.eu – Association of castles and museums around the Baltic Sea
www.helenika.ru – wiss Center / Helenika Center
www.suvorovkistysh.ru – Architectural and historical complex of Generalissimo Suvorov
www.museum.ru – Museums of Russia
www.artnight.ru – “The Night of Museums” – an annual event dedicated to the International Day of Museums
www.museum12345.ru – Festival: “Children’s days in St. Petersburg”
www.alpyelkov.livejournal.com – Alpine magazine (Travels in time and space)
Board of Trustees of the State Memorial Museum of Alexander Suvorov
Lyubov Pavlovna Sovershaeva (Chairman) – Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, head Of the administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg
Nikolai Mikhailovich Kropachev (Deputy Chairman) – Rector of St. Petersburg state University
Lyudmila Kuleshova (Secretary) – retired Judge, state Councilor of III class
Boris Vakhrushev – Vice-President of Bank «OTKRITIE»
Alexander Pavlovich Vershinin – General Director of the Russian national library
Vitaly Volkov – Director of «ST Petersburg»
Vladimir G. Gronsky – TMG Director of A. V. Suvorov
Oleg V. Eremeev – the General Director of “Avtodor-Infrainvest»
Vladimir Nikolayevich Nuzhdin – Artist, multiple winner of international competitions
Alexander Turgaev – Rector of the St. Petersburg state Institute of culture
Moussa ekzekov Abelevich – patron, the President of «JI si development group»
Saint-Petersburg club of military-historical miniature fans (LVIM)
191015, St. Petersburg, ul. Kirochnaya, 43, the museum of Alexander Suvorov – LVIM Club provides collectors of historical miniatures (tin and non-tin figures) with regular communication during meetings, finding new acquaintances with the same interests, consultations & information exchange, and participation in club exhibitions and shows.
For out-of-town fans, the LVIM Club can help to establish points of contact with St. Petersburg colleagues with similar interests, as well as consultations on certain issues (by agreement with Club members).
Anyone who is a member of the LVM Club can make a report or give a presentation: on military history, on the technology of figurine production, on the methods of collecting, on the rules of playing soldiers, on the results of their military historical reconstruction of gear and weapons. A member of the Club can present his works of authorship (figurines, drawings) or his collections for evaluation and consultation by specialists, or for reviews by the LVIM Club. Members can also buy magazines, books and almanacs at discounted prices, or get information about the where and at what price the new military history books (magazines) are sold.
Meetings of the Club are held once a month from September to June on Fridays, usually in the second half of the month. Once a year in May or June, the author’s works and new objects in the members’ collections of the club are reviewed. There are no restrictions on age or profession to participate in the Club. Formally, membership in the Club is not officially registered. You can come to meetings at any time from 18.00 to 20.00. Meetings are open to all wishing to participate. Information about the dates and venues of the meetings can be obtained from the Club’s chairman, Vitaly Kotelnikov, by calling 714-61-81 in the evening time.
Suvorov Museums of the World
Suvorov Museums of Russia
State Memorial Museum of Alexander Suvorov
191015, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya Str., 43.
Tel. 579-39-14 – information and excursions booking.
e-mail: suvorovmuseum@mail.ru
Fax (812) 274-28-50.
Museum-Estate of Alexander Suvorov in the Konchanskoe-Suvorov village
174435, Novgorod Region, Borovichi District, Konchanskoe-Suvorovo Village.
Tel. (81664) 98-544
Suvorov museums of the CIS countries
Izmail Museum of Alexander Suvorov
68600, Ukraine, Odessa region, Izmail city, Pushkin Str., 37.
Phones: (04841) 2-21-25, 2-26-80.
Kobrin Military History Museum Named after Alexander Suvorov
225860, Republic of Belarus, Kobrin, Suvorov Str., 16.
Tel. (01642) 2-37-94, 2-59-11.
Ochakovsky Military History Museum. Named after Alexander Suvorov
39240, Ukraine, Ochakov, Lenina Str., 11.
Tel. (05154) 2-21-01
Museum of Alexander Suvorov (Timanovka village)
288310, Ukraine, Vinnytsia region, Tulchinsky district, the village of Timanivka.
Tel. (04335) 5-53-47, 5-54-47.
Suvorov Museums Abroad
Suworow museum Walter Gahler
Bahnhofstrasse 1, Linthal, Glarus Sud, Switzerland (Switzerland).