To the glory of Russian weapons
The crown of the 3rd Russian Suvorov Patriotic Art Festival on October 26 was the solemn ceremony “Let Russia glorify!” that took place in the Tauride Palace. This year it was dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the Ismail fortress capture by the Russian troops. The ceremony was a dramatized production based on the chronicle of G.R. Derzhavin, who in detail described the 200 years old celebration.
The visitors were greeted by the Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District, Lyubov Pavlovna Sovershaeva and Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, Sergey Nikolaevich Movchan. About 700 guests – representatives of the authorities, culture and education; officers, cadets, and suvorovtsy – plunged into the atmosphere of the grand “stunning spectacle” in the Dome and Catherine Halls, stylized in the spirit of aesthetic traditions of the XVIII century.
The ceremony was attended by the performers and collectives, laureates of the contest of III Suvorov Patriotic Festival of Arts: State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Republic of Tatarstan; soloists of the opera and ballet of St. Petersburg musical theaters, orchestras; and young talents – children and youth art collectives of St. Petersburg. At the end of the event, the choir and orchestra performed the cantata “Let Russia Glorify!” (The author is the laureate of the Shostakovich’s Union of Composers of Russia Award, N. M. Shabalin).
Photo by Valeriya Suyevalova
The crown of the 3rd Russian Suvorov Patriotic Art Festival on October 26 was the solemn ceremony “Let Russia glorify!” that took place in the Tauride Palace. This year it was dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the Ismail fortress capture by the Russian troops. The ceremony was a dramatized production based on the chronicle of G.R. Derzhavin, who in detail described the 200 years old celebration.
The visitors were greeted by the Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District, Lyubov Pavlovna Sovershaeva and Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, Sergey Nikolaevich Movchan. About 700 guests – representatives of the authorities, culture and education; officers, cadets, and suvorovtsy – plunged into the atmosphere of the grand “stunning spectacle” in the Dome and Catherine Halls, stylized in the spirit of aesthetic traditions of the XVIII century.
The ceremony was attended by the performers and collectives, laureates of the contest of III Suvorov Patriotic Festival of Arts: State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Republic of Tatarstan; soloists of the opera and ballet of St. Petersburg musical theaters, orchestras; and young talents – children and youth art collectives of St. Petersburg. At the end of the event, the choir and orchestra performed the cantata “Let Russia Glorify!” (The author is the laureate of the Shostakovich’s Union of Composers of Russia Award, N. M. Shabalin).
Photo by Valeriya Suyevalova